Park Krajobrazowy Puszczy Rominckiej


  • 24-05-2022

    News from our ponds

    At this time, green frogs are mating. There is really something to see and listen to! If you look closely, you will notice paired resonators in males, which show up in the form of blisters on either side of the head. Hence the vibrating noise.

  • 19-05-2022

    We promote our project

    On May 19 and 20 in Gołdap, the conference "Romincka Forest - Something Beautiful" was held. Organizers: Local Action Group "Lider in EGO", Romincka Forest Landscape Park and Romincka Forest Fund. During the conference, the project manager, Jaromir Krajewski, presented its assumptions, goals and achieved results.

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